
...joined 13 years ago, and has 1200 karma

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I am an environmental defender, futurist, biohacker, working on a (currently stealth) carbon dioxide removal (CDR) company that uses terrestrial enhanced rock weathering (ERW) combined with nickel hyperaccumulating plants to recover nickel from the soil.

The company is intended to demonstrate a way to make an economically viable carbon removal technology that also helps the planet with its co-products.


In 2017, I started Climigitation a non-profit think tank dedicated to promoting technologies and techniques to mitigate climate change and remove atmospheric carbon dioxide.

In researching strategies, I quickly honed in on the use of minerals as the most promising stores of carbon, as 99.9% of carbon on Earth is found in minerals.

The first concept I worked on to move CO2 into minerals, was to enhance the weathering rate and breakdown of silicate minerals utilizing beaches as giant, free, distributed ball mills. Started as a non-profit, it was known as Project Vesta and the idea was to use tropical beaches to speed up Earth's natural long-term carbon-silicate cycle.

Vesta has successfully deployed olivine onto beaches in the NE United States.

In early 2021, I left Project Vesta. And after that, it was split into a non-profit and a for-profit PBC.


Project Vesta (non-profit) - removing CO2 with rocks on beaches -> https://

Nootroo - high-quality, synergistic nootropic stacks -> - "head-to-head" competitive meditation with EEG headsets.

*This is a personal account and posts here are opinions and do not represent the of the views of my company/orgs unless otherwise stated.*