thrw0 10 hours ago

Good luck with clonning iClass badge. Where I live- 3rd world country, iClass is a standard in office buildings. It's hard to believe how lucky the author would have to be...

  • yial 6 hours ago

    I’m not sure exactly what implementation of iClass you’re referencing (as there’s a few different types), but if you’re talking about the 13.56mhz fobs… they can range from trivial (1 hour of learning and $35-100 in equipment) to impossible.

    (I do realize that equipment cost may be prohibitive where you are located).

    But, there are attack techniques - especially if people wear these / store them in a pocket or attached to a belt, that can sometimes compromise and copy them. It might not be an innocent accidental bump in that line for coffee!

    Here’s a basic walkthrough for one type.