WalterBright 20 minutes ago

I read years ago that the local Indians, instead of farming or conventional gardening, would create gardens with the desired plants all mixed together (including trees and bushes). This would create an ecosystem of interdependent crops which would provide food year round.

They're largely abandoned and forgotten, but one can find them having gone wild in various places. They're marked by a marked diversity of flora.

  • klooney 12 minutes ago

    I think there's a bit about that at the end of Seeing Like a State.

    Sometimes this is what is meant by permaculture.

0cf8612b2e1e an hour ago

What is the normal outcome of these orange peels? Fed to livestock? Mulch? Or just added to landfill?

The results were impressive, but I imagine there were months of rotting orange peels. Which is probably not ideal neighbors, but fine in otherwise barren, uninhabited land.

WalterBright an hour ago

I read about that case years ago, and as a result started composting my biomass garbage, especially the orange peel! I don't generate enough to make a difference, but the local fauna eats most of it. A couple of onions have sprouted in the pile.

cbanek an hour ago

I wish they had a picture of this fig tree they mention.

  • fourthark an hour ago

    > a fig tree so huge it would take three people wrapping their arms around the trunk to cover the circumference.

    No way that grew in 16 years…

    • cortesoft 30 minutes ago

      Fig trees are incredibly fast growing. They can grow 15 feet in a single year

quantified 2 hours ago

Very misleading title. Barren soil is barren soil. Desert is a classification based on rainfall. Dumping ground is/was not a desert.

  • dang an hour ago

    Ok, we've put the barren pasture the article talks about back in the title above.

  • 7e 2 hours ago

    You could call it a “ecological desert”, but that said, it’s not even the title of TFA, which is more accurate.

    • metadat 2 hours ago

      Thanks, I wasn't happy with the title either, for what is otherwise a decent article. TFA's title exceeded the HN limit, so I've done what I can.

gbickford 2 hours ago

This article is from 2017