Show HN: LyricFluent – Learn Languages with Music (Mainly Spanish)

3 points by Marcel92 2 days ago

My motivation for this product was to 'scratch my own itch'.

I speak a few languages, have been learning a few more, and have always enjoyed listening to music in my target language. After failing to find my ideal solution, I built my own.

I also wanted to give myself this challenge so that I could become a better full-stack software developer. I built the website with React & Next JS, mobile apps with React Native, and the backend with Node JS. Hosted on DigitalOcean.

I worked on this for 4 years (it has been a while), but most of this time was part-time while working another job for income.

The URL linked here has free lessons with no account required.

Main landing page:

Feedback welcome!

gus_massa 19 hours ago

[Hi from Argentina!]

I tried a few of the fill the lyrics games.

Are the empty slots "_____" chosen automatically or you selected them manually? What about the alternatives?

Some are very easy because the alternative makes no gramatical sense, or some sound too different to get confused. I'm not sure if this is good or bad. Do you have some insight about how you build them? [1]


[1] I sometimes build multiple choice for math exams. We usually put 4 options with different difficulty. For 3(7-2) we would use, in a randomized order:

1) 15 (the correct one)

2) 19 (forget the parens, 37-2, very common error)

3) 27 (wrong sign, 3*(7+2), probably not common)

4) 12 (what! 3+7+2, just a trap in case they are choosing randomly)