Show HN: I built a tool to stop chasing users for feedback and screenshots

4 points by Sreenington 2 days ago

Hey HN,

I got fed up with chasing users for screenshots and building custom feedback forms for every app, so I built FeedbackThing.Pro to make it easier.

Now, all I do is drop in a simple <script> tag, and users can send feedback, screenshots, bug reports, and ratings effortlessly. Everything is organized in one place, no hassle.

Tech Stack: T3 (Next.js 14, Drizzle ORM, UploadThing)

No more endless feedback forms—just clean, efficient feedback collection for developers who want to stay focused on building, not managing bugs.

tomosterlund a day ago

Very cool app! Are you considering adding a self-hosting alternative?

Idea: you could for example do something like a €199 one time fee for people who'd like to self-host.

I think this is something a fair bit of small SaaS founders need, but tbh I don't think this is one of the most crucial things to have a subscription for.

gus_massa a day ago

With the free 20 feedbacks per month it's too easy to burn all of them tbe first day. (Or perhaps someone press the send button 20 times.) Is this a real problem? Is it possible to add a dayly max too? Is it too confusing and user will be angry?

Sreenington 2 days ago

Hey, HN community, I’m Sree!

I built FeedbackThing.Pro out of frustration with gathering bug reports and feedback for my SaaS projects. It was a pain having to spin up new forms, database schemas, and S3 buckets just to collect screenshots and comments from users. So, I made this to take the headache out of the process for developers like me.

P.S. I’m a huge Theo T3 fanboy—hence the name "FeedbackThing" and the choice of T3 stack + UploadThing.