Show HN: Turn your dreams into reality with this life planner app

7 points by ygee 3 days ago

Hi, this is Ygee, and I'd like to share the story of Y-Pod.

Most people believe their big dreams are impossible to achieve, so they settle for less—not because they can’t, but because they feel overwhelmed and disconnected from that distant future.

I felt the same way. It was a struggle juggling multiple apps like notes, to-dos, and calendars to plan my goals. I realized a dedicated app to organize my life goals would not only help me but also allow me to showcase my technical and creative skills.

That’s how Y-Pod was born — to bridge the gap between big lifelong dreams and small daily actions, empowering users to turn their dreams into reality. My hope is that it will help others live their dream lives and, in doing so, make the world a better place.

ygee 3 days ago

I'll be consistently updating the app as we approach the 2025 Year Planning season.

I'd love for you to try it out and let me know what you think. Cheers!